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Who We Are

We Fight For Those Who Are Innocent Behind Bars

Ricardo Gray

Allen Correctional Institution

Ricardo Gray is an innocent man. He was wrongfully convicted in Cuyahoga County for a shooting after an argument that 3 witnesses and Ricardo named as "Benny" to be the actual shooter. Problem was, nobody knew his last name and Ricardo was subsequently convicted and sentenced to 23 years-to-life in prison.


Twelve years later, with the help of the Ohio Innocence project, 2 witnesses from the trial recanted their testimonies and provided the full name of the real shooter as Benny Kern. Ricardo filed an appeal thereafter with this newly discovered evidence and was denied because, according to law, it wasn't found in time despite it being newly discovered evidence of his actual innocence!

In 2019, 21 years after the crime was committed, Ricardo was sent an affidavit from eyewitness Derrick James who claimed he initially told police the shooter was Benny Kern, which was secretly withheld from him and his defense team at trial along with an important police report that debunked the prosecution's theory. On top of this, detectives in the case led by Michael Cipo withheld 2 other pieces of exculpatory evidence that directly contradicted the State's theory and supported the State Witnesses' recantation. What was further disturbing was the fact that this same detective along with other officers have been found guilty of conspiracy for fabricating evidence and witness tampering. In 2020, County prosecutor Michael O'Malley denied Ricardo's new evidence claim, once again, for not being filed in a timely matter.

Attached to this petition is Ricardo's appeal which was denied by the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals on November 9, 2023, in his attempt to file a 2nd Habeas Petition, but a dissenting judge was directly on point in her rendering and assessment of her ruling (highlighted parts of opinion). All of the new evidence supporting Ricardo's claim of actual innocence has been thwarted by procedural hurdles instead of his evidence being reviewed on their merits!

Stand with Ricardo Gray and his family and supporters to free this innocent man who has been imprisoned since1998 for 26 years now! Join the fight to bring him home to his family so truth can be pursued and the real killer brought to justice!

To see Ricardo's Petition, click here

To view Ricardo's Podcast with Jason Flom, click here

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Savalas Crosby

Richland Correctional Institution

Savalas Crosby is from east Cleveland, Ohio, where he was wrongfully convicted of murder by the East Cleveland Police Department, many officers of whom have since been indicted and convicted on related charges of falsification and corruption as alleged in Crosby's case.

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Savalas Crosby
Peter kenny

Peter Kenny Jr.

Grafton Correctional Institution

My name is Peter A. Kenney Jr.,

Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. I've been incarcerated since a youth,17 years of age. I'm currently 36 yrs old and my 20th year of wrongful imprisonment is coming to a close. I was sentenced to 36 yrs to LIFE. That's 36 years day for day....With a 90% almost certainty to receive 8 to 10 more years of imprisonment without a fair meaningful opportunity the Ohio Parole Board. Freedom merely sitting there like the carrot on the string, in plain sight, but JUST out of reach.

I was sentenced as a child. I took the case to trial because I was NOT the one who shot and killed the victim, I was the only person to ever be named suspect, investigated, sought out, and the ONLY one convicted on what transpired April 17th, 2001! Science will tell you I didn't have a fully developed frontal lobe. (DECISION MAKING PART). Yet I was bonded over, went through trial, LOST on hear say evidence- no eyes witnesses to say I did it- no dna (UPDATE 10/16/2020 WE FOUND DNA EVIDENCE)--no casings/weapon, none of that, and I was shipped to prison within 6 month span. As if I was anything but a child of God. Discarded, as if to say I was lost, or ungodly of any kind. Portrayed to be a monster--a predator--I WAS A CHILD just turning 17! And for years I came to feel, I may have been just that. 20 years of incarceration....

I've grown a great deal. I have grown out of my childish ways of thinking and reactions...
I am married to the love of my life, whom I've known since I was 12. She truly has inspired me.
My life has meaning because of her. And I pray to make it home to her, redeemed and humbled by this system that isn't made to rehabilitate you but only to trap you. A vicious circle for men in my family, a circle I intend to break.

I ask any help would be a god send, I'm currently saving money for attorneys to get me back into court. I could use a village...sorta speak...My trial was railroaded and a complete re-investigation is needed. We need to hire an attorney and a Private Investigator prior to bringing a case back to court. Lots of work is needed and my wife has been advocating for my release for years now. We need to stop throwing our youth away and give them a chance at redemption. I have a son who is 20 years old as well as 3 children by marriage and it would be a dream come true to finally make it home to my family! Every amount donated is appreciated. Every donation no matter big or small counts! If you are unable to contribute to the funds please share this petition far and beyond! THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND CONSIDERATION! COMPASSION OVER CAGES!!! 

Thank you for taking time to read.

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